Friday 30 November 2012

Benfield Sports Leadership

Welcome to Benfield Sports Leadership - Student Views

Benfield School run a successful Sports Leadership programme which consist of a variety of Sports Leaders UK qualifications, ranging from Young Leaders Award through to Higher Sports Leadership (Level 3).
Leadership awards are an essential part of the curriculum at Benfield as they give students a chance to improve their communication skills with their peers as well as members of staff. Skills developed in sport leadership activities help increase confidence, promote team work and co-operation and instil a sense of achievement within students.

Sports Leaders UK qualifications are nationally recognised and accredited qualifications in generic leadership that can lead to employment and further education opportunities.
Benfield School believe that a Leadership offers a variety of benefits that can reach almost every aspect of school life. Not least are the development of vital ‘life skills’ which see candidates developing communication skills, becoming better organised, volunteering, taking responsibility for themselves and others whilst growing in confidence.

Academic year 2012-13 Benfield School currently have 28 Year 10 students enrolled on Sports Leaders UK Level 1 Qualification. 13 Year 11 and 12 students enrolled on Sports Leaders UK Level 2 Qualification, and 18 students enrolled on Higher Sports Leaders (Level 3 course).

Over the coming weeks a variety of Benfield's Sports Leadership students will post their views, experiences, challanges and achievements along with lessons, events and competitions that they are involved in within School and the wider community.

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